A Circle of Moms Reports on False Allegations to CPS (and Says the Same Things That Father’s Groups Say about the Abuse of Restraining Orders and Domestic Violence Laws)

Here’s a group of women on a forum for mothers with school-aged kids responding to a conversational prompt that deserves the attention of those who believe false allegations made out of spite are rare and that the report of such allegations is overblown and only originates from father’s rights groups (or what one notable polemicist calls “FRGs”).

Has someone ever called CPS on you out of spite? Have you called on someone? Why?

Not surprising to this writer, a number of respondents commented in the affirmative. Also worthy of note in this context is that the site FightCPS.com is authored by a woman.

Here are a few of the topmost comments on the Circle of Moms thread:

Yes, twice I’ve had CPS called on me out of spite. Both times a social worker came to my house. I had nothing to hide, so I let them in and they both said, “I can’t tell you who called us, but I can tell you this is absolutely ludicrous for us to even come to your house, because we can’t find a single thing wrong. Sounds like a false allegation to me.” I was like, “I know, right. Thank you.” They couldn’t tell me who called, but I already knew who was behind it. The person who did it was just mad because I wouldn’t pay them money I didn’t even owe! This person was my babysitter, who is the most manipulative, money hungry witch. I just didn’t know it until now.

[M]y mom and sister have been calling and making false accusations about me ever since I told them they’re not my children’s mom—I am. They thought they were just going to tell me how to [rear my] kids, and I told them both, sorry about your luck, I’m their mom, and that’s final. I’ve never gotten a break from CPS since. Especially because my mom didn’t raise us—we did ourselves. And then she thought she was going to take mine and my husband’s first daughter and raise her as her [own] to try to fix mistakes that couldn’t be fixed. UH-UH, she wasn’t getting my daughter. Not till she called my sick, demented sister in to plot against me for 16 years and stole my life, my soul, my heart, my babies. Don’t trust no one.

The person [who] called them on me and my two children knew my mom was very sick and did not have much time to live. My mom died four days ago. Six days before she died, CPS came out. The person who called them on me wanted to add even more pain to my life—and fear. I went and picked up the report. It said [no] on every one of the allegations. I think CPS should let you know who called so you can file a lawsuit. I mean, if they do not do anything, then we should have a choice. We should have the right to know so we can stay away from those who called on us. It should be up to us to tell CPS to press charges or let us do it ourselves, and if we do not know who did call, then we have not got the right kind of privacy or peace throughout our lives.

According to a brochure published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Children’s Bureau:

Approximately 29 States carry penalties in their civil child protection laws for any person who willfully or intentionally makes a report of child abuse or neglect that the reporter knows to be false. In New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the Virgin Islands, making false reports of child maltreatment is made illegal in criminal sections of State code.

Nineteen states and the Virgin Islands classify false reporting as a misdemeanor or similar charge. In Florida, Illinois, Tennessee, and Texas, false reporting is a felony, while in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Virginia, second or subsequent offenses are upgraded to felonies.

In Michigan, false reporting can be either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the seriousness of the alleged abuse in the report. No criminal penalties are imposed in California, Maine, Montana, Minnesota, and Nebraska; however, immunity from civil or criminal action that is provided to reporters of abuse or neglect is not extended to those who make a false report.

Eleven States and the Virgin Islands specify the penalties for making a false report. Upon conviction, the reporter can face jail terms ranging from 90 days to 5 years or fines ranging from $500 to $5,000. Florida imposes the most severe penalties: In addition to a court sentence of 5 years and $5,000, the Department of Children and Family Services may fine the reporter up to $10,000. In six States, the reporter may be civilly liable for any damages caused by the report.

Based on the anecdotal reports in the referenced Circle of Moms thread, consider how likely it is any of the reported mischief was ever prosecuted. This kind of sniping, which is impossible to fend off, exactly corresponds to that perpetrated by abusers of the restraining order process, which is also exempted from the exacting standards of police and judicial scrutiny that are supposed to be applied when allegations have criminal overtones or can lead to serious privations or criminal consequences.

The women responding in this forum aren’t “anti-feminists,” and they’re certainly not motivated to report malicious exploitation of state process because they’re “for” child abuse: They’re moms.

Yet despite that under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), billions of dollars have been invested over the past 20 years toward conditioning authorities and the courts to take allegations of violence and abuse on faith, when fathers allege identical exploitation of restraining orders and domestic violence laws according to the spiteful motives alleged by the mothers cited in this post, they’re dismissed as cranks by feminists and their partisans.

Disinterested parties and feminist sympathizers are urged to recognize that if mothers and fathers are saying the same things, then the claim that allegations of procedural abuses are nothing more than the baseless rants of angry men is flatly wrong.

Copyright © 2014 RestrainingOrderAbuse.com

7 thoughts on “A Circle of Moms Reports on False Allegations to CPS (and Says the Same Things That Father’s Groups Say about the Abuse of Restraining Orders and Domestic Violence Laws)

  1. The state of Florida does nothing to false accusers. I have a suitcase full of the false allegations made by my ex husband countered with the truth against him (and ironically the claims made against him are admitted by him in the case notes). Yet so much tax payer monies and time by caseworkers, judges, staff at court, staff at DCF was wasted investigating me. So after several dozen complaints, I contact DCF to file a “false complaint” complaint against him. They tell me nothing they can do, I need to contact law enforcement. I do that and law enforcement tells me nothing they can do, I need to contact state attorney office. I contact state attorney and yep you guessed it – his office tells me to go to dcf. Vicious circle, and so much taxpayer money and time and MY money and time was wasted in following up on his false complaints, and no time was spent following up on what was really happening (the abuse of me and abuse neglect of our child by HIM). And it took me months and many VOCAL demands to get the fiels from them – they did not want to give them up initially. No complaints now for almost 2 years, but that could change in a heartbeat.


  2. My husband was married once before and had 3 children with his now ex-wife. She attacked him and he had to leave, the children were removed, save 1, and placed with his mother and father. His father is now deceased and she used us to do her bidding, demanded we drop what we were doing so we could be at her Beck and call. We now have 3 children of our own, and I care deeply for the first 3, but the exwife and his mother have broken them. They’re so damaged the youngest has been committed to a residential treatment facility and the oldest is accused of touching his middle sibling and youngest! They were such good kids but because of the accusations against them, I completely cut them off. I couldn’t have them around my children… and because of this, they have been making accusation after accusation. We haven’t even had the children for over a year, barely seen them, just run into them and some how, even with his mother admitting we haven’t seen the children in so long, she still has convinced child services to show up. They’re not even accusations about my children – they’re accusations about his children that we haven’t even seen! I don’t understand it! She even accused my husband of sexual abuse towards his oldest and child services walked into my home and told me I had to do whatever they said, comply with their plans or they’d take my children!! It’s disgusting how they can just flip your life upside down with absolutely no proof yet they have proof we haven’t had them over for an overnight visit in over a year! AND they have proof of far worse allegations against his mother and exwife and their abuse towards those beautiful children! My husband now has to seek counseling and we have filed for a Protection from Abuse order in our state of Pennsylvania. They harass and stalk us, I’ve had to call the police for harassment several times and even after they had people call and threaten harm to me and my family the police haven’t stopped them… and now they’re using child services, a government building themselves to tear our lives a part… all because I won’t conform to her control issues. She’s crazy and inhuman. They don’t even care what happens to those kids. They signed them up for ssi and went doctor to doctor until someone diagnosed them and medicated them. They have more pills then an old person and even have their own medicine boxes!
    We have to go to court to stop them now and that might vmeven work. We could have them both thrown away in jail for their harassment and false reports and the second they got out they’d do it again! I never knew there were people this evil out there until I met them.


    1. Pennsylvania
      False Reporting
      Cons. Stat. Ch. 18, § 4906.1

      A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if the person intentionally or knowingly makes a false report of child abuse under Chapter 23 (relating to child protective services) or intentionally or knowingly induces a child to make a false claim of child abuse.


      Children’s Bureau/ACYF/ACF/HHS
      800.394.3366 | Email: info@childwelfare.gov | https://www.childwelfare.gov

      You might investigate procedures for registering a complaint of false reporting and consider calling your local district/county prosecutor’s office and asking to speak with a detective or one of the attorneys there.

      See also: FightCPS.com

      Handling False Allegations of Child Abuse and Neglect” (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services)





  3. I am a grandmother with 2 of my grandkids place in my care from cps. They have been in my care for 4 months. The father of the baby is the one calling in false reports all the time. He even calls the cops on me and they have all been false. But nothing is being done to him. They have found nothing on my daughter but still will not let her have her children back. Everytime we go to court the say one thing in court. But the next thing we know they are showing up and telling up we have to do something else and they don’t know what we are talking about when we don’t agree with what they are telling us to do. (We went to court august the 5. They told us she was going to be on a 2 week transition with the kids and when we go to court on the 19 the children would be returned). But Monday a new cps worker shows up and said oh there is nothing like that on court papers and now we have to start all back over. And all they keep telling me I need to become a foster parent..And they have went to school question my 8 year old granddaughter that isn’t even in this case. I hired a lawyer what else can you suggest we do. They are nothing but (LIERS).


    1. False accusations aren’t uncommon when parents separate.

      Depending on what state you’re in, it may be (1) a crime to falsely allege child abuse, and (2) a crime to file false reports with the police (harassment). I doubt you could get the guy prosecuted by the district attorney, but a judge might hear a petition for a restraining order to stop the harassment.

      Penalties for Failure to Report and False Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect” (Children’s Bureau, 2013)

      Handling False Allegations of Child Abuse and Neglect” (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services)

      Don’ts and Dos when Falsely Accused of Child Abuse or Neglect” (FightCPS.com)

      Since a restraining order may be the next idea the baby’s father gets, you may want to consider acting first. All of these channels are free: restraining orders, CPS, police reports. They don’t cost accusers anything, so if they’re cool with lying, there’s nothing to stop them from abusing the procedures over and over. They can make things up all day, and to file with CPS or the cops, they probably don’t even have to get out of bed.

      (I know someone who has had a crazy neighbor call the police on him over a hundred times. Once she called seven times in single day. Only on the seventh call did a deputy tell her he’d cite her if she called again. People behave this way and face no consequences, so they keep doing it.)


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