Larry’s Story: Restraining Order Abuse and the Neighbor from Hell

“She habitually engages in psychological projection. She has caused me to be compelled under threat of arrest and prosecution for failure to appear to attend court on her frivolous lawsuits 25 times. Yes! Twenty-five times. The frivolous prosecutions started in 2011, and they are still raging. I have been cited back to court on her application for a new restraining order on the 12th and a criminal warrant for cyberstalking on the 17th of this month. She has tried so many times to have me jailed I have lost count.”

—Larry Smith, author of (2014)

The quotation above is an excerpt from an email sent to the creator of “Neighbors from Hell” on ABC’s 20/20. The Feb. 8 email was a sorely persecuted man’s response to being fingered on Facebook as a candidate for the series by his neighbor, Marty Tackitt-Grist, who has forced him to appear before judges nearly 30 times in the span of a few years to answer “two restraining orders, three show-cause orders, two cyberstalking arrests, and a failure-to-appear arrest and jailing despite faxes from two doctors that I was too crippled, disabled, and suffering from herniated discs to be able to attend court.”

Here’s the reply the email elicited from ABC’s Bob Borzotta: “Hi Larry, I don’t seem to have heard further from her.  Sounds like quite a situation….” Cursory validations like this one are the closest thing to solace that victims of chronic legal abuses can expect.

Concern shown by the police and courts to complaints from attention-seekers can make them feel like celebrities. Random wild accusations are all it takes for the perennial extra in life to realize his or her name in lights.

Not unpredictably, the thrill is addictive.

I think I first heard from Larry, the author of, in 2013—or maybe it was 2012. In the artificial limbo created by “high-conflict” people like the one he describes in the epigraph, temporal guideposts are few and far between. A target like Larry can find him- or herself living the same day over and over for years, because s/he’s unable to plan, look forward to anything, or even enjoy a moment’s tranquility.

The target of a high-conflict person is perpetually on the defensive, trying to recover his or her former life from the unrelenting grasp of a crank with an extreme (and often pathological) investment in eroding that life for self-aggrandizement and -gratification.

Among Larry’s neighbor’s published allegations are that he’s a disbarred attorney who “embezzled from his clients” and a textbook psychopath, that he has “barked like a dog for hours” to provoke another neighbor’s (imaginary) dog to howl at her, that he has called her names, that he has enlisted “mentally challenged adults” to harass her while shopping, that he has cyberstalked her, that he has “hacked into phones” and computers, that he has tried to cause her (and “many others”) to lose their jobs by “reporting false information,” that he has made false complaints about her “to every city, state, and county service,” that he sends her mail “constantly,” and that he has “mooned” her neighbors and friends.

The ease with which a restraining order is obtained encourages outrageous defamations like these (Larry’s neighbor has sworn out two). Once a high-conflict person sees how readily any fantastical allegation can be put over on the police and courts, s/he’s inspired to unleash his or her imagination. That piece of paper not only licenses lies; it motivates them.

Larry’s a quiet guy with a degenerative spinal disorder who’s been progressively going deaf for 25 years. He lives for his three toy poodles and watches birds. “I grew up,” he says, “in a little Arcadian valley here in western North Carolina with the nicest people, mostly farmers; and I guess my youth just left me naïve about some people. I always saw the good in them.” Larry began practicing law in 1973 in Asheville but voluntarily withdrew from the profession in 1986, because he was disgusted by the corruption—and the irony of having his retirement years fouled by that corruption isn’t lost on him.

You might guess his accuser’s motive to be that of a woman scorned, but Larry’s association with her has never exceeded that of the usual neighborly sort. He reports, however, that she has alleged in court that he covets her and nurses unrequited longings and desires.

Compare the details of the infamous David Letterman case, and see if you don’t note the same correspondence Larry has.

Marty Tackitt-Grist, Martha Tackitt-Grist, Larry Smith, North Carolina, ABC’s 20/20, Nasty Neighbors, Neighbors from HellThat’s the horror that only the objects of high-conflict people’s fixations understand. Stalkers and “secret admirers” procure restraining orders to get attention and embed themselves in other’s lives—like shrapnel.

This writer has been in and out of court for eight years subsequent to encountering a stranger standing outside of his residence one day…and naïvely welcoming her. One respondent to this blog reported having had a restraining order issued against her by a man she sometimes encountered by her home who always made a point of noticing her but with whom she’d never exchanged a single word.

It isn’t only intimates and exes who lie to subject targets to public humiliation and punishment. Sometimes it’s lurkers and passers-by, covert observers who peer between fence slats and entertain fantasies—or, as in Larry’s case, a neighbor who feels s/he’s been slighted or wronged according to metrics that only make sense to him or her.

Larry thinks the unilateral feud that has exploded the last several years of his life originates with his complaining about cats his neighbor housed, after they savaged the fledgling birds that have always been his springtime joy to watch.

For 25 years I have lived on this street with lovely people. We always got along, although one or two you had to watch. During most of that 25 years, there have been three different owners of the house across the street. The other two we dearly loved. The last one, the incarnation of purest evil, moved here in 2005. She was a divorcée who volunteered that her divorce was especially nasty, the first red flag which I foolishly disregarded: She constantly badmouthed her ex. For the first few years, we were friends, but as time went by she became an almost insufferable mooch and just way too friendly, expecting more attention from her neighbors, and from us, than we wanted to give. Sometime in early 2011, I left her a voicemail and told her I didn’t want to be close friends with her anymore. She was a hoverer, she manipulated, she was a narcissist. And the message meant that I did not want to be called on to mow her lawn anymore, or help her trim her trees, or lend her tools, or watch her pet while she was gone, or help her move heavy loads like furniture, or listen to her constant whining. I just wanted to cool it with her.

In the spring of 2011, she had been converting her home to a sort of boarding house and brought in tenants, and [between] them they had two cats that constantly prowled, especially the tenant’s. What became very irksome to me was the tenant’s cat creeping into our yard and killing our baby birds, which we always looked forward to in the spring. And the minute I brought it up with her, she pitched a fit, and so did the tenant. So for the first two months of baby bird season, [their] cats killed all our fledglings and the mother songbirds—wrens, cardinals, robins, mockingbirds, towhees, mourning doves, even the hummingbirds, just wiped them out. I finally got in touch with our Animal Services officers, but by that time bird season was over with, and you know something, [she] began going about telling neighbors that I was a disbarred lawyer (a particularly nasty slander). One thing led to another, and finally the tenant with the marauding cat moved away, but the irreparable damage was done, and all through the summer I had been warned by other neighbors that the neighbor from hell was plotting revenge.

I went to her one day and asked her if there was anything I could do to make it so we could at least drop all the nasty hostilities. She exploded. Next thing I knew, she had three police cruisers here with a false tale that I was “harassing” her and calling her names. This was no surprise, because early on I learned not to believe a thing she said because she just made up the most unbelievable tales about her personal crises. One of the five cops who came spoke with me in the yard, and I thought this would all blow over, but in a few days a process server was banging on the door with papers to serve me. I met him in a commercial parking lot nearby and accepted the lawsuit, an application for a restraining order, a TRO, and, well, a great big wad of lies. It was a shocker. And little did I know that the very day I received this horse-choking wad of papers, at around 10:15 a.m., [she] was back in the courthouse filing another affidavit to have me ordered to show cause why I should not be jailed for contempt. In other words, before I even had notice of the TRO, she was trying to have me jailed for violating it. That’s just how damn mean that woman is.

High-conflict people are driven by a lust to punish—any slight is a provocation to go to war—and their craving for attention can be boundless. Judicial process rewards both.

This table, prepared by attorneys Beth E. Maultsby and Kathryn Flowers Samler for the 2013 State Bar of Texas Annual Advanced Family Law Course, shows how high-conflict people and court process are an exquisitely infernal fit. Its authors’ characterization of high-conflict people’s willingness to lie (“if they feel desperate”) is generous. Many lie both on impulse or reflex and with deliberate cunning, though their chain of reasoning may be utterly bizarre.

Restraining orders are easily obtained, particularly by histrionic women. Once petitioners—especially high-conflict petitioners—realize how readily the state’s prepared to credit any evil nonsense they sputter or spew, and once they realize, too, the social hay they can make out of reporting to others that they “had to get a restraining order” (a five-minute affair), they can become accusation junkies.

Larry has responded in the most reasonable way he can to his situation. He’s voiced his outrage and continues to in a blog, and the vehemence of his criticisms might lead some who don’t know Larry to dismiss him as a crank. If you consulted his blog, you’d see it’s fairly rawboned and hardly suggests the craftsmanship of a technical wizard who can hack email accounts and remotely eavesdrop on telephone conversations. What the commentaries there suggest, rather, is the moral umbrage of an intelligent man who’s been acutely, even traumatically sensitized to injustice.

Here’s the diabolical beauty of our restraining order process. Judges accept allegations of abuse at face value and don’t scruple about incising them on the public records of those accused. They furthermore expect those who are defamed to pacifically tolerate public allegations that may have no relationship with reality whatever or may be the opposite of the truth, may be scandalous, and may destroy them socially, professionally, and psychologically. Judges, besides, make the accused vulnerable to any further allegations their accusers may hanker to concoct, which can land them in jail and give them criminal records. And finally judges react with disgust and contempt when the accused ventilate anger, which they may even be punished for doing.

Judicial reasoning apparently runs something like this: If you’re angry about false allegations, then they weren’t false; if you’re not angry about false allegations, then they weren’t false.

Larry’s been jailed, Larry’s been reported to the police a dozen times or more, an officer has rested the laser sight of her sidearm on him through the window of his residence, and the number of times he’s been summoned to court is closing on 30.

The allegations against him have been false. How angry should he be?

Copyright © 2014

9 thoughts on “Larry’s Story: Restraining Order Abuse and the Neighbor from Hell

  1. If you or anyone who has standing can get a class together I would join it in a heartbeat. I am too old and lame at this time to do much legwork. There is no doubt in my mind that thousands and thousands of unredressed judicial atrocities are being perpetrated, mostly against men, many against women too. The victims are being criminalized and their lives and hopes for prosperity ruined.

    In his law review article about restraining orders, Professor Aaron H. Caplan discusses a huge body of evidence that in Nevada alone, restraining order madness is such a scandal that applicants for those orders are abusing them wholesale for purposes far outside of the law, to suppress freedom of speech. Caplan further goes on to explain that the orders are issued without hesitation and out of hundreds of sham restraining orders, many of them ridiculous on their faces, only three appeals were lodged.

    The reason for the lack of appeals to higher courts is that the complicated process for an appeal is so time-consuming, lingering, and so expensive. Appeal can’t be done without a lawyer, while the plaintiff has the unfair advantages of court officials and the judges for her lawyers. Caplan says that the plaintiff goes to a window and fills out a form and the court officials take it from there, and no money changes hands because the process, thanks to the revenue stream from the taxpayer-abusing monstrosity known as the VAWA, the Violence Against Women Act, is simple and fast-tracked for the plaintiff, BUT overwhelmingly crushing and expensive for the defendant… who has no window to go to in order to get help defending himself.

    You know something? In World War II my dad and uncles and their generation fought valiantly against fascism, against the Germans and Japanese who would have imposed fascism and totalitarianism on the entire world, and we won, to make DEMOCRACY SAFE FOR THE WORLD. And now fascism and totalitarianism are creeping across the United States like giant poisonous spiders. If I hadn’t seen it firsthand, I would not have believed it!


    1. I read recently of a class action being pursued by undergrads who’ve been put through the crucible at their colleges after being accused of rape (in some highly publicized cases that emphatically stink).

      I’ll look into this further, Larry. My own privations aren’t of the kind that courts find particularly moving, but I’ve heard from a lot of parents and spouses who’ve been falsely accused and whose stories would be sympathetic. As you say, the constituents of a class are out there. They’d just have to organize and find an attorney willing to stick his or her neck out. I’ve tried to urge some others to make an investment, but most people just aren’t up to it. They’re defeated.

      My grandfather served in WWII, also.

      Glad to know you’re hanging in there, Larry. I’ll continue to link to your case.




    My Ex, a Hollywood musician, obtained a fraudulent restraining order against me as retaliation/revenge after I documented on social media his cowardly, dishonest behavior during our breakup. I was out-of-town during the hearing and apparently the judge did not even consider the many responses I filed refuting the false allegations, a denial of due process. I consulted with an attorney: the appeal will cost thousands of dollars. It’s unfair that someone can lie to the court for free and put a permanent blemish on your record, and you have to spend thousands to even be heard. I can be heard: with your help. Would you ask your followers to spare a dime on my donation page (link below) so I can fight this abuse of the restraining order system? I have nowhere else to turn.


    1. I know it’s humiliating, but please consider identifying yourself on your fundraiser and circulating the link to it among friends and family. Your best shot at raising money will be to bring your case to the attention of those who know you and will tweet about your fundraiser and “share” it on Facebook.

      Tell every female friend you have. Women are the best networkers and social champions. You need people who will sing your praises and encourage others to help you.

      Credibility with strangers in cases like this is pretty much none. The problem is alien to them, and it doesn’t press the buttons that fundraisers for ailing pets and kids do. No one understands the gravity of the situation who hasn’t been in it him- or herself.

      Too, most visitors to this site are in the same boat. That notwithstanding, you might also post your fundraiser on Restraining Order Blog (Chris will probably put up your petition text promptly) and contact Paul Elam, a very warm man who’s the creator of A Voice for Men. You can find his video presentations on YouTube. He might have other connections and ideas to offer. Citizens Justice Association might also be worth checking with.

      Also consider that there may be resources available to you as a gay man. I’ve been negligent in investigating what those resources might be, but I encourage you to check around. Direct your appeals most aggressively to those you can expect sympathy from and visit in person anyone you can rather than depending on letters or phone calls.

      Do you happen to know any celebrities? Writing to them through agents is a dead end, but if you have any kind of personal access (even friend-of-a-friend), that would be worth considering.

      Even petitions and Facebook pages that concern abuses of court process and that don’t seek donations don’t attract a great deal of support, because fellow victims are beaten down and scared. They’re often broke, besides.

      Have you worked out a timeframe? Make certain you’re aware of what kind of deadlines you’re facing and that you file on time to be granted the opportunity to appeal, even if you’re not sure you’ll have the funds to follow through.

      I feel for you and absolutely wish you success. I just wanted to bring the difficulties to your attention.


  3. Todd, thanks. That was beautiful work. You have character and pathos, and you need to write a book. It will sell and bring you prosperity.

    I’m going to try and respond Thursday, or shortly afterwards, just to make a few comments or clarification. But you don’t miss ANYTHING, do you?

    I have menial work for tomorrow. I hope I can hold up because I have been feeling like hell lately. If I didn’t have Tramadol I would have just expired from the pain.

    Thanks again. You are a genuine talented writer, for certain.



    1. You’re welcome, Larry. The sympathy is sincere. And thank you, too.

      If the synopsis would be useful to you in making a case to a newsperson, please feel free to do with it what you will. Robert Borzotta might even take an interest if you could bear the publicity. I’d be glad to forward the link to him. I don’t think journalists are indifferent to this kind of thing; I think they just don’t understand it.

      Take it easy on yourself.


    2. Larry, how feasible is this thought?

      “I think action would be better than just mere words. How do you think same-sex marriages were passed? We all need to come together and file a class action lawsuit. These laws plainly violate our constitutional rights as U.S. citizens. There is no due process of law for these allegations, and the cause-and-effect deprives an individual of life, liberty, and property” (Michael K. from Alamogordo, New Mexico).


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